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Best Places To Put Vending Machines: And Profit

Mercy Brice

best places to put vending machines


Are you looking for the best places to put vending machines? If that’s the case, then this article will guide you.

If you are looking forward to starting to make huge profits with your vending machines, please make sure to read this article to the end. Because our business team included some helpful information.

In the United States, there are about 1.8 million vending machines. And a vending machine that’s not accessible, can never be profitable.

The first step in starting a productive vending business is for you to decide the best location’s. And the best locations are already provided in this article.


Purchasing a vending machine may be a very beneficial decision for a business. You can make profit ranging from $100 to $500+ per machine, per month. 

You may make a lot of money if you choose the right location for your vending machine and provide popular food and drinks. Below are tips to help you.


1. CampGrounds

best places to put vending machines

An area or location (such as a field or grove) used for a camp, for camping, or for a camp meeting is called a campground.

Camping is a leisure activity in which people establish a temporary home outdoors, frequently utilizing tents or vehicles that have been expressly created or modified for the purpose.

Due to the large number of visitors, campgrounds are among the best places to put vending machines. A vending machine would be well-placed here.

Typically, visitors to campgrounds make frequent purchases from the vending machines. The things that can be sold from a vending machine on a camp site have no restrictions.


2. Sports Complex

best places to put vending machines

A collection of sporting venues is known as a sports complex. For instance, there are swimming pools, indoor arenas, football, baseball, and track and field stadiums.  Another type of entertainment facility is Olympic Park.

Try the Sports Complex if you’re searching for one of the best places to put vending machines. People who go to sports facilities to watch games or participate in them typically bring cash to spend on refreshments.

Vending machines installed in key positions throughout the complex, particularly in indoor sports facilities, are ideal locations for such vending machines.

A community cannot exist without an outdoor sports complex. Your vending machine may provide the locals something in addition to providing a secure location for leisure and competitive athletic events.



3. Casino Facility

best places to put vending machines

The term “casino facility” refers to a freestanding, land-based building where casino gambling is authorized under chapter.

This includes buildings with bars, restaurants, showrooms, theaters, and other amenities, but excludes any buildings utilized as hotels or other types of transitory housing.

This building is yet another best place to put vending machines, for higher revenues. If you’re seeking a profitable site to install a vending machine, a gaming facility is still another option.

People typically purchase soft drinks, water, snacks, and even newspapers when they visit casinos. This is why placing vending machines in such places is a good idea.


4. Shopping Malls

A shopping mall (or just mall) is a large indoor retail area that is often centered by department stores.

The term “mall” originally referred to a pedestrian promenade lined with businesses. In the United Kingdom, such complexes are known as shopping malls (Commonwealth English: shopping center).

Shopping Malls are one of the best places to put vending machines because of the high value traffic to this site.

If you want to make quick money, another great place to install a vending machine is a shopping mall. 

Several shopping malls are open to the idea of vending machines. Before you proceed, make sure you understand what customers would like to buy from such a machine. It may be raffle tickets, cinema tickets, or anything else.


5. Beach

A beach is a stretch of land that extends along the shore of an ocean, lake, or river and is narrow and gently sloping. Beaches are covered in sand, pebbles, boulders, and bits of seashell.


Many individuals frequently go to the beach for leisure because of its incredible qualities. Some people go at least twice each week. According to numerous surveys, a beach is also one of the best places to put vending machines today.

A beach is a really excellent place for a vending machine. This is because beaches are often visited by many people, and when they do, they always expect to spend more money there.

Installing vending machines that sell cooled bottles of soft drinks and energy drinks in this kind of place is really great.


6. Amusement parks

An amusement park is a specific kind of amusement park that centers its buildings and activities on a single theme and frequently has several themed areas.

Amusement parks are fixed structures designed for continuous operation, as opposed to transient, movable fun fairs and carnivals. They provide attractions that often appeal to a range of age groups and are more extensive than city parks and playgrounds.

We are all aware that kids are the primary patrons of the majority of amusement parks, and children like pestering their parents to make purchases for them.

What a fantastic thing! Amusement parks are one of the best places to put vending machines, if you want to make more money.

Please attempt to make inquiries, before placing your vending machines in any of the parks. So you can receive authorization.


7. Seaports

best places to put vending machines

A port is a type of nautical facility with one or more wharves or loading docks where ships may load and unload passengers and goods.

Ports can be located further inland as well, such as in Hamburg, Manchester, and Duluth; they have access to the sea via rivers or canals despite often being located on a sea shore or estuary.

Many people who work at seaports will need to eat or drink something. A seaport also has a high volume of people entering and exiting, therefore we think this is one of the best places to put vending machines.


If you want the vending machine business to be successful, seaports are still another great place. For a variety of reasons, people travel through or visit seaports, and they will inevitably need to make purchases from vending machines.

Vending machines that sell newspapers, chilled soft drinks, bottled water, energy drinks, ice cream, and snack items like potatoes are appropriate for this kind of place.


8. Gas or Fuel Station

best places to put vending machines

A facility that sells gasoline and lubricants for motor vehicles is referred to as a gas station, also known as a filling station, fueling station, service station, or petrol station.

In a fuel station, you are aware that there are a lot of vehicles trooping in and out, and some might be willing to buy some snacks. Why not take this advantage today, because it’s one of the best places to put vending machines.

You’ll have to admit that when individuals stop to refuel their vehicles’ or bikes’ tanks, they almost always do the same for their stomachs. That is why a petrol station will often have numerous vending machines around. Why not include your own vending machine.

As long as you provide what customers need and the gas station is well-placed, you can count on people using your vending machines.


9. Movie Theaters

The majority of movie theaters are for-profit businesses that cater to the general public, who access by paying a ticket. A membership fee may be required to see films by some nonprofit organizations or groups.

Theater involves live performances like plays, opera, and musical theater, but cinema incorporates films. This is the main distinction between the two mediums.

I assume you have been to a theater and observed how busy it is. After performing research, we learned that a large number of individuals frequently go to movie theaters and they also make purchases.

Why not become the retailer they normally buy things from, and start making that huge profits today. Movie theaters are one of the best places to put vending machines to start making money.

If you want to maximize sales from your vending machine business, movie theaters are among the greatest places to install one.


Tourists who often visit movie theaters, do so not only to view a movie, but also want to eat and have fun. That is why vending machines may be found in places like this.


10. Office Buildings

This is a location where personnel of an organization do administrative tasks in order to assist and achieve the company’s purposes and goals.

This typically indicates that people come to work practically every day and do a variety of activities. While working, they may require something to help them relax or fill their bellies. Why not be their go-to source and maximize your profit?

Also, keep in mind that other visitors may visit the organization and purchase items from you, which is why we consider this as one of the best places to put vending machines.

Please make inquiries and follow their instructions before installing a vending machine in any organization.


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11. Hotels

best places to put vending machines

This is a business facility that provides housing to tourists and occasionally permanent residents, as well as restaurants, conference spaces, and other amenities.

This implies that there are a lot of high quality visitors coming in regularly and they are likely to look for something to buy. Why not go and negotiate with some hotels around you, in order for you to put a vending machine.

We agree that hotels are an excellent spot to install a vending machine and begin providing services to hotel guests.

A hotel is an excellent site for installing a successful vending machine. Vending machines that sell beauty care and cosmetics goods, as well as newspapers, are commonly seen in hotels.

Several hotels are eager to collaborate with anyone who wants to put such a machine in their lobby. Why not take that advantage right now?



12. Public swimming Pools

best places to put vending machines

This is a big hole dug in the earth and filled with water so that people may swim in it.

Many people, including myself, attend swimming pools on a regular basis. They can be yummy of anything to drink when they normally visit after swimming. Why not provide them with a vending machine where they can get something to drink?

You are absolutely generating your cool cash and maximizing your profit by providing them what to drink. As a result, we consider this as one of the best places to put vending machines.

Furthermore, a public facility with swimming pools is a good site for a vending machine and such machines will generate more sales on a regular basis.

Remember that when people swim, they might want some food and beverages, and you shouldn’t expect them to leave the facilities wearing their swimsuits. Why not show kindness and bring items close by.


13. Gyms

best places to put vending machines

A gym is a place where people go to exercise physically and get healthy. It might be a club, a building, or a big room.

People will certainly become hungry when working out at a gym and need to find something to eat. Giving them access to a vending machine will make things so much simpler.

That is why we also recommend gyms as one of the best places to put vending machines, and start making money.

You should speak with the management of the gyms in and around your city if you’re seeking for the best spot to put a vending machine.

People would naturally require bottles of soft drinks, water, and snacks when they visited a gym, which is why it was necessary to put a vending machine here.



14. Highway Rest vicinity

best places to put vending machines

A highway rest area is a public building close to a major roadway, such as an expressway, highway, or motorway, where motorists and passengers may take a break, dine, or refuel without diverting into side streets.

As the name suggests, I assume that many travelers stop here to relax before continuing their journey.

They will need something around to cool down their day while they are relaxing, such as bottles of soft drinks, water, munchies, etc. Why not provide those services nearby with a vending machine?

By offering those services, you can certainly make a good profit, that’s why we consider this as one of the best places to put vending machines.

Please attempt to survey the area before installing a vending machine to find out what the people want, so that you can increase sales and earnings.


15. Public parking lots

best places to put vending machines

A public parking lot is a parking area that has parking spots that are free or for a price open to all members of the public for the purpose of parking a motor vehicle while visiting other sections of the city.

This indicates that a large number of individuals are driving-in to park their automobiles. That simply implies that the majority of them will require something to drink or eat. And it will be much easier with a vending machine.

Why not own those vending machines that will provide such services, allowing you to earn more money? General parking lots will be beneficial to businesses, that is why we recommended it as one of the best places to put vending machines.

If you want some of the greatest vending machine placement ideas for rapid income, try placing your vending machines in and around public parks. Just make sure that they are popular parks that are secure.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

In 2022, Will Vending Machines Be Profitable?

Yes, vending machines continue to be quite successful.

When studying how to establish a vending machine business, you’ll immediately see that depending on where it is placed and the items you sell determine profits.


Vending machines have a very low initial cost and excellent potential for big returns.

In the US, the industry of vending machines is worth $36.billion.

Depending on the items you sell, a standard vending machine may be purchased and installed for a modest cost (around $2,000 in some situations) and generate earnings of about $400 per month.


How Much Do Owners Of Vending Machines Make?

A snack vending machine may easily generate $200 to $1000 in monthly sales with the correct positioning, location, items, and user interface.

Vending machines typically make $36 per week, but those that are well-stocked and situated in high-traffic areas can make over $450 per month.

The industry of vending is worth several billions of dollars. The type of machine, location, products it dispenses, and the cost of its commodities all affect how much money a single vending machine generates.

For a vending machine business, a superb machine and product combination may produce considerable profits.


Is It Challenging To Launch A Vending Machine Business?

Really not. For owners of any degree of expertise, owning anywhere between a few and a few hundred vending machines may be a reasonable, prosperous business.

You won’t need an office space to host your vending machines; the cost to establish one is mainly just the cost of the machines and the inventory for them.

It’s really simple to expand your vending machine company. You may start out with a small number of vending machines and add more locations as your business succeeds. and generate substantial earnings.

Due to the low to none overhead expenses, vending machines make an excellent business. You don’t have to worry about paying salary, benefits, or rent because they don’t need a lot of staff or a lot of office space.

Vending machines now serve healthy foods, gourmet options, and sometimes unrelated foods.



What Is A Smart Vending Machine?

Customers benefit from extraordinary shopping experiences provided by smart vending machines. 

They display high-quality product images and animations on high-definition touchscreen monitors. Businesses may also employ interactive films and advertising to entice customers by adding unique user interfaces.

When people think of vending machines it is usually the basic snack and drink vending machines. 

Smart vending machines are controlled by a computer and backed by a cloud-based management system.

The cloud allows for live inventory monitoring and sales data that was previously unavailable or extremely delayed. This vending machine is really amazing.


What Should I Do To Persuade People To Buy From My Vending Machine?

Convincing consumers to buy from your vending machine might be difficult at times.

Some unusual tactics to entice customers to buy more include: offering them something in exchange. For example, wrap a $1 note in shrink wrap and randomly insert it into one of the drink cans or bottles.

Each vending machine should be outfitted with an online telemetry system that allows pricing to be updated automatically.

People will notice if you reduce the price of their favorite food or beverage for a short period of time, and they will tend to purchase more. Lowering the price of a product that isn’t selling well might also assist it start selling more.


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Final Thoughts

Make sure you’re always investigating new places and making contacts in your neighborhood to expand your income and profit opportunities. When you put in the initial work to find ideal sites, the vending business may create significant income.

You can simply discover a vending machine location for your business if you already follow this article step by step. 

The most important things to remember are what you’re aiming to accomplish and which areas would be profitable with this form of business.


Please take note of maintaining consistency and professionalism by keeping track of everything.

Vending business is a multi-billion dollar Industry, why not take your share? By starting your own vending business.

This article has already provided you with the best places ever, and hope it was helpful to you? If Yes, please tell us the location you chose with the help of this article. Thanks.

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